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Tips-and-Tricks -- 247CTF walkthrough

**# TIPS AND TRICKS 247/CTF | 0xWerz | 08/07/22

The Official preview

A number of challenges will require you to create solutions which are more efficiently solved by making use of a programming language to automate and perform the computations. For this purpose, we recommend to make use of PYTHON as well as complementary libraries such as REQUESTS and PWNTOOLS.

If you are not sure where to start with Python, we recommend the introductory PYTHON 101 FOR HACKERS course.

Click the ‘START CHALLENGE’ button to the right of this text description to start a socket challenge. Utilise a programming language to interface with the socket and automate solving 500 simple addition problems to receive the flag. Take care when interfacing with unknown remote services - '\n' is not the only way to end

well, what we are trying to do is pretty simple.

we need to automate a 500 simple math operations, and they have mentioned/recommended to use python, imma use the pwn library its pretty easy also.

The solution

from pwn import *
url = '595edc7e7ff44d36.247ctf.com'
port = '50415'
client = remote(url, port)
for i in range(500):
    problem = client.recvline().decode("utf-8")
    indexing = problem.split()
    Qa = int(indexing[5])
    Qb = int(indexing[7].strip('?'))
    answer = (str(Qa+Qb)+ '\r\n').encode("utf-8")
    print(f'answering {i} question ({Qa ,"+", Qb})...')
flag = client.recvline().decode("utf-8").strip('\r\n')
print("Catched the flag!",flag)